This past weekend the world took part in several Women's Marches. Regardless why you marched, or why you didn't, or what you feel about marching in general, I am going to post about the hats I made and where they went.
In total, I was able to make 7 hats. These hats went to 1 Aunt, 2 cousins, 1 friend, my husband, my son, and myself.
3 made it to Washington D.C.
While I did not attend any marches, I did proudly wear my hat all weekend.
Here's what I learned.
I got sneered at. A man held a door open for me and when I thanked him and he made eye contact, he snickered and shook his head. I got avoided. And I got pointed at.
I also found that women, people of color, and one gay man were nicer, kinder, and more outgoing to me than ever before.
I'm the me that I was on Thursday and I'm the me that I was on Monday. But when I was the me that I was while wearing a pussyhat, some people treated me differently. Some were kinder, some were ruder, but I was me.
And that says a lot about the current climate in my country. I remain hopeful that my rights as a non-Christian woman, and my husband's rights as a non-white, non-Christian immigrant, remain as they are today. One love.