A Gift of Thanks

I am a Type A personality.  This can sometimes make me difficult, at best, to work with.  I often want to use channels not necessarily open to me in order to get information myself.  Not because I don't think anyone else can get the same answers I can, but because I sometimes question things I don't want to hear if I'm not fully convinced that every single avenue has been explored, and naturally I'm the only one who can know when all of my avenues have been explored. 

I am in the process of trying to purchase a home, and my boss is my realtor.  There is a fine line between unleashing my Type A all over her and demanding answers when I want them, and remembering that I also work for her and need to remain employable in her eyes.

And thus, the Thank You socks were born.


When I get stressed and anxious, I knit.  It soothes me, gives me something to focus on, allows my mind to wander to greener pastures.


When my boss gets stressed and anxious, she practices yoga.  


These yoga socks are the marriage of our stresses and coping mechanisms.  And hopefully they buy me a few more passes on the crazy train before my job is at stake.