Today You Are You
That is truer than true.
Today Noodle turns 11! I have no idea how this happened so quickly.
When he was born, I didn't yet knit socks. I barely knit anything. I knew how, and sometimes I'd pick up the needles, but then for long stretches of time I didn't pick up the needles at all.
Then one day I picked them up and never put them down again. He's gotten birthday socks for a lot of years now, and he'll get them for as many more years as my hands can make them.
I like to believe that he will always be as excited to get them as he has been so far. Maybe the comfort of having this birthday tradition will carry on into the relationship he has with his own children and he'll find something specific to get for them every year. Then, in at least that small way, I'll be passing something on to generations to come.
Sock Recipe and Yarn Info in previous post.
Happy Birthday, Sinky Face. I love you to the moon and back.