First Socks of the Year

I've spoken about my Mother-in-Law a few times in the past.  For many years, and for reasons unbeknownst to me, I never made her anything.  Not one single hat or scarf.  Not so much as a pot holder.  Nothing. 

A few years back I was trying to come up with a Christmas gift that was functional but different than what she usually gets.  Something she would enjoy and would somehow express my gratitude for all she's done for me over the years.

I came up with Encompass.  She seemed to love it, but I noticed she didn't often wear it.

So I decided socks would be the way to go.  Last year she got a pair for Christmas and a pair for her birthday.  This year, since my Christmas knitting was all but nonexistent, she'll just be getting a birthday pair.

These are Lace Wing Socks made with Cascade Yarns Heritage Paints Hand Painted in color Iris Mix.


Happy Birthday to you.  


I hope you have a wonderful day.  Here's to many more.